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Registriert seit: 19.11.2014
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tift is on a distinguished road

Datum: 19.11.2014
Uhrzeit: 01:56
ID: 53533

Apologies, English speaking only. Internship in Germany questions, please help?

#1 (Permalink)
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Hello, I am from the UK and I'm interested in doing an architecture internship in Munich. I did a study abroad there a few years ago for just a few months and really enjoyed my time there.

I found a few firms and have sent out my CV and portfolio to them. One has already responded saying they would like to take me on but can not pay as they are a small firm, around 4-5 people. I understand that internships usually don't pay anything , but I happened to read that there are quite a lot of companies that pay a small salary to their interns. Could someone explain if there is a salary in architectural internships and approximately how much?

I'm also curious as to the experiences of working in a firm, and if anyone would so kind as to share?

Danke Schon! (Did I get that right?)


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