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distroe is on a distinguished road

Datum: 26.04.2015
Uhrzeit: 00:17
ID: 54328

AW: doubleing the wall at expansion joint #3 (Permalink)
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So to be more clear, please look at the sketches. Both show an expansion joint, with 2 buildings of different heights. The joint is capped by a flashing/insulation/etc. So my question is: is there ok a joint open to the interior (section 1) or a closure -wall (section 2) is needed, to keep the water out if the flashing breaks?

Regards, Dan
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: pdf section 1.pdf (23,3 KB, 263x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: pdf section 2.pdf (23,7 KB, 236x aufgerufen)

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