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interces is on a distinguished road

Datum: 19.02.2007
Uhrzeit: 19:33
ID: 22095

INTERCES - European congress of civil engineering students

#1 (Permalink)
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Please take a minute and read the text below about the BIGGEST STUDENT CONGRESS OF CIVIL ENGEENIRING IN EUROPE THIS YEAR.

We are the students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Ljubljana who dared to accept the challenge and decided to implement one of the biggest international projects that have ever been carried out by the students in the field of civil engineering, entitled InterCES.

What is InterCES?
InterCES is the name given to a 5-day European congress of civil engineering students.

This international meeting will host 300 students, from the 16th till the 20th of April 2007 in the Krim Hotel in Bled, Slovenia, where they will participate in different kinds of activities, such as lectures and company contact fairs, visits to current building sites and civil engineering companies, as well as enjoy the beauties of Slovenia.

Students of civil engineering, as well as companies that would like to present themselves to future clients and business partners in Europe are more than welcome to attend.

Because we're organizing such an event for the first time, it's very difficult to get in touch with foreign students. If you are interested in promoting our project at your faculty please contact us on so that we can stay in contact. You can also send us your postal address and we will send you our promotion material (Posters and brochures).

If you know some civil engineering students who might be interested in our project please forward our message.

More details (programme, register, …) about this project you can get on

Till then have a nice time!

InterCES Team

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