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Datum: 24.05.2011
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Blue Award 2012 - internationaler Wettbewerb für Studierende

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The Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design from the Vienna University of Technology organizes the BLUE AWARD.

31.05.2011 Kick Off Event
31.05.2011 Start of Registration
01.10.2011 Start of Submissions
01.02.2012 End of Submissions

The Blue Award is a biennial, international student competition and awards projects addressing the topic of sustainability in the academic fields of architecture, regional planning and urbanism. The economical, cultural and social dimensions of sustainable development should be equal in significance to the classical problems of technique and function.
The competition is an open invitation to future-oriented and sustainable solutions. How will our built environment present itself in the coming years? Not a one-dimensional approach leads to results, but rather a comprehensive view of the tasks at hand is necessary in order to provide solutions and protect an environment worth experiencing.

The Blue Award 2012 is making its second appearance as an anonymous, international, single-phase competition, and is intended for students of architecture, regional planning and urbanism.
163 projects from 86 faculties and architecture schools spread across 49 countries were submitted for the first edition, Blue Award 09.

Kick Off Event of May 31, 2011
The Kick Off Event of May 31, 2011 (11:00 am) at the Vienna University of Technology (Kuppelsaal) gives the winners of the first competition the opportunity to present their works - some of their designs were built.

The Blue Award 2012 will be handed out in three categories.
The Blue Award 2012 will particularly emphasize and support architectural efforts in hot and dry climates. Projects located in crisis areas and in areas environmentally threatened will be given special consideration. This, however, forms no grounds for exclusion or discrimination of projects that deal with other topics in sustainability.

Participants can submit projects in the following three categories:
Category 1 - Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
Category 2 - Ecological Building
Category 3 - Building in Existing Structures

Prize sum of 20,000.- Euros
The prize sum of 20,000.- Euros will be divided by the jury among the three categories of the competition. The jury may decide upon a number of honorable mentions.
In addition, independent of the categories, a special award will be handed out by the jury, chosen from among all entries.

International Jury Blue Award 2012

Honorary President of the Jury
Architect Sir Michael Hopkins

Jury Members
Arch. Albert Dubler
Member of the UIA, represented by its Vice President

Arch. Dominique Gauzin-Müller
Journalist of architecture and spe******t for sustainability

Prof. Rudolf Scheuvens
Professor of Regional Planning, TU Vienna

Arch. Dominique Alba
Urban Planner and Director of Pavillon de l´Arsenal Paris

Arch. Nikos Fintikakis
Architect and Director UIA work program ARES

Presider and Moderator of Jury (not entitled to vote)
Dr. Robert Korab

No person from the organizational staff is to participate in the jury.
The preliminary evaluation is to be carried out by an assigned team of examiners.


Statement by Prof. Françoise-Hélène Jourda, Architect and Initiator Blue Award

The world is undergoing lasting changes. We are all confronted with this reality. Every one of us recognizes that our current way of living must be reformed, our way of consuming corrected. The building industry consumes roughly 40% of available material and water resources, and produces roughly 30% of the greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable architecture is neither a question of style nor of technical solutions.
Sustainable architecture can be described as a responsible approach towards the task of building.
Sustainability touches every aspect of design: an act with social, economical and ecological implications.
Sustainability means going beyond a one-dimensional approach and taking a comprehensive view of the tasks at hand in order to achieve results and protect an environment worth experiencing.

We, as architects, carry a particular responsibility in the building industry: we want to set an example, one using alternative construction methods and innovative planning strategies. For quite some time, we possess the know-how and building materials necessary to answer, in an unconventional yet professional way, the needs of our environment and climate. New forms of construction and planning will have to differentiate themselves from current methods in many ways.

For this reason it is of utmost importance to academically outfit planners and builders with this new interpretation of architecture. In particular, it is in the future projects of current students in architecture and planning where the nucleus of a revised and respectful attitude and architectural approach towards our environment will be found.

Univ.Prof. Mag.arch. Françoise-Hélène Jourda
Head of Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design
Vienna University of Technology

Official Homepage:



Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Claudia Maria Walther (Project Manager)
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Karner
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Anton Kottbauer

Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13/253-3
1040 Vienna Austria

Abteilung für Raumgestaltung und nachhaltiges Entwerfen

T +43 (0) 1 58801-253 301
F +43 (0) 1 58801-253 399
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
-logo_blue_award_titel.jpg   -blue_award_signature.png  
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Dateityp: pdf Blue_Award_Kick_Off_Invitation.pdf (1.008,5 KB, 633x aufgerufen)

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