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distroe: Offline

distroe is on a distinguished road

Datum: 20.04.2015
Uhrzeit: 11:31
ID: 54261

doubleing the wall at expansion joint

#1 (Permalink)
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Hello all and please excuse for not posting in German.
I have a design in progress which is an energy building hosting many electrical equipment. The structure has one expansion joint by design, which doubles the columns. There is one compartmentation wall between one set of columns. The roof level is different for the two building parts.
Do you believe is it necessary to add an extra wall at the other part of the joint, so as to avoid a risk of rainwater pouring in and possibly damaging the equipment?

Dan Stroescu

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Benutzerbild von Florian
Registriert seit: 06.06.2002
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Florian: Offline

Ort: Berlin
Hochschule/AG: Illenberger & Lilja GbR / Anderhalten Architekten

Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all

Datum: 24.04.2015
Uhrzeit: 14:18
ID: 54301

AW: doubleing the wall at expansion joint

#2 (Permalink)
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Please post a sketch. I do not understand your worries about the rainwater in this context...
Florian Illenberger - Architektur-Diskussionsforum Architektur Portal - Forum für Architektur:

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Registrierter Nutzer
Registriert seit: 01.12.2008
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distroe: Offline

distroe is on a distinguished road

Datum: 26.04.2015
Uhrzeit: 00:17
ID: 54328

AW: doubleing the wall at expansion joint #3 (Permalink)
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So to be more clear, please look at the sketches. Both show an expansion joint, with 2 buildings of different heights. The joint is capped by a flashing/insulation/etc. So my question is: is there ok a joint open to the interior (section 1) or a closure -wall (section 2) is needed, to keep the water out if the flashing breaks?

Regards, Dan
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: pdf section 1.pdf (23,3 KB, 266x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: pdf section 2.pdf (23,7 KB, 238x aufgerufen)

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Benutzerbild von Florian
Registriert seit: 06.06.2002
Beiträge: 4.439
Florian: Offline

Ort: Berlin
Hochschule/AG: Illenberger & Lilja GbR / Anderhalten Architekten

Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all Florian is a name known to all

Datum: 04.05.2015
Uhrzeit: 14:25
ID: 54362

AW: doubleing the wall at expansion joint #4 (Permalink)
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Water should never enter the gap. The gap must be sealt on the roof with 2 or 3 layers of waterproofung. The gap itself must be closed with some kind of filling (Weicheinlage in German), wich must be fireproof and ontop a PE round cord to compensate the movement forces of the two building parts to the waterproofing layers.
Florian Illenberger - Architektur-Diskussionsforum Architektur Portal - Forum für Architektur:

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