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Datum: 13.01.2009
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ID: 32045

als dt. Architekt nach Polen

#1 (Permalink)
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Guten Tag,

die polnische Architektenkammer stellt viele Bedingungen an die Eintragung:
The verification proceedings consists in filling in the application form for the verification procee-dings and conferring Polish construction entitlements and attaching the documents which are listed in this form. These are:
1. certificate of citizenship,
2. certificate of the right to perform activities related to independent technical functions in construction,
3. certified copy of the diploma,
4. certificate confirming that the diploma allows recognizing qualifications for pursuing the profession of architect and that it is listed in the Attachment to the Directive on the recogni-tion of qualifications for pursuing the profession of architect (2005/36/WE), if such a diplo-ma is enumerated in that Attachment,
5. certificate of professional practice,
6. extract from the penal register/document equivalent to the extract from the penal register,
7. declaration signed personally concerning the processing of personal data,
8. confirmation of the stamp duty payment,
9. certificate of having a knowledge of Polish language.*

Welche Erfahrung habt Ihr mit dem Umgang der AK? Welche der Dokumente sind in welcher Qualität zu liefern?
Meldet man sich immer bei der Landes-AK an oder geht das auch bei den regionalen Woiwodschafts-AK?



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