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distroe 04.02.2022 11:52

Attic wall height
Hello everybody,

Please let me post in English since i don't have command of German. However, responses in German are welcomed.
We are designing some row houses with terrace roof, intending to place solar panels on the roof. Nevertheless, i would go for an attic height of 900 mm, due to safety (falling) reasons.
I am afraid a taller attic will mask the EV panels. Should i limit the attic height?

Thanks, Dan

fst 04.02.2022 15:06

AW: Attic wall height
When it’s a terrace, which is used you'll need the height.
But how can I use a terrace which is full with panels?

distroe 18.02.2022 15:29

AW: Attic wall height
Thanks for the answer. The purpose of the terrace is roofing - roof terrace. However, not to be a lost surface, we provided PV Panels.

Thanks, Dan

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