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distroe is on a distinguished road

Datum: 01.03.2015
Uhrzeit: 09:52
ID: 54067

drawing in realtime for messaging

#1 (Permalink)
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Hello everybody,
I am an architect and i am supposed to work a design project at distance. Please reccomend me a software that will be able to collaborate on a sketch in realtime, just like chatting on Yahoo Messenger or similar. What i need is that both myself and the other architect to draw/erase on the same sketch, and the result to be instantly visible.

Thank you,

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Datum: 01.03.2015
Uhrzeit: 13:01
ID: 54068

AW: drawing in realtime for messaging

#2 (Permalink)
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I've never seen a software which can do this in realtime.
With ArchiCAD and Teamwork/BIM Server you can work on the same project,
but you can't see realtime what your partner is drawing. The sync must be started manual, so that there is a delay of some minutes.

Maybe a good alternative is desktop sharing with f.e. teamviewer.

A combination of both should be very comfortable. When you discuss some
points you do this with desktop sharing and in the meantime you work on the same project.

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Registrierter Nutzer
Registriert seit: 01.12.2008
Beiträge: 13
distroe: Offline

distroe is on a distinguished road

Datum: 01.03.2015
Uhrzeit: 16:25
ID: 54069

AW: drawing in realtime for messaging #3 (Permalink)
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Thank you. I believe i'll go for the teamviewer, best.

Regards, Dan

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