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UdN ISS 2011: Offline

Ort: Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg

UdN ISS 2011 is on a distinguished road

Datum: 07.06.2011
Uhrzeit: 19:28
ID: 43974

UdN International Summer School 2011

#1 (Permalink)
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Introducing the
UdN International Summer School 2011 - ClimateCultures - the Survey of the Everyday

Twenty international students from different disciplines will, for a period
of two weeks from 15th-28th of August, live and work together in a
reclaimed building, the „University of the Neighbourhoods” (UdN), in
Wilhelmsburg. Together with international professionals of various
backgrounds, they will explore the sustainability of their own daily life
and that of their immediate surroundings.
In addition to creating tangible plans and projects, the Summer School
will be about playful experimentation and new and creative processes,
that are making resource-efficient lifestyles desirable.
UdN will be both living space and an object of study: The place allows
an immediate and, for planners, unusually straightforward encounter
with the surrounding environment. By working and living within the
neighbourhood, we expect unfamiliar perspectives and surprising results
for the perception of sustainability in general, and for the own lifestyle
and for Wilhelmsburg in particular.

When: 15.-28. August 2011
Where: University of the Neighbourhoods (UdN),
Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, Germany
What: UdN International Summer School:
Intensive residential workshop, 3|5 ECTS
Who: Master students in planning, architecture,
arts & humanities

Please visit our website for further informations.
/by clicking on the Headline/

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