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Registriert seit: 09.08.2012
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Jazzzper: Offline

Jazzzper is on a distinguished road

Datum: 09.08.2012
Uhrzeit: 13:16
ID: 47491

Looking for base map and contacts for graduation

#1 (Permalink)
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Dear fellow Urban Designers and Architects
I am a Dutch student Urban Design and Planning at the Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands. This January I will start doing my graduation project. I always have felt a great attraction to Berlin I really would like to graduate on a subject in this city. To gain a better understanding of the city and to explore the graduation possibilities I decided to stay for one month here. I arrived yesterday and at the moment I am trying to get a grip of the city as a whole, before I zoom in on some subject that could be interesting for graduation. Possible subjects I encountered so far are: firstly the gentrification in the pre war districts (but this already has been studied a lot) and secondly the conflict between global city developments (Berlin as creative centre and party town) and local city.

In the light of this research I am looking for the following:
- base map material for Berlin (autocad)
- contacts who have a clear opinion about Berlin and what should happen to make it better. With those people I would like to exchange e-mail contact or (even better) drink a beer and have a little discussion.

I hope that someone can help me.
And please forgive me for writing in English ;-)


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